Have you or someone you know suffered from misdiagnosis or medical negligence?
You may be entitled to compensation if the medical
treatment or diagnoses you received fell below the
required standard of care.
You may have suffered from the following:
Call the specialist team at Jackson Boyd now on 0333 222 1855 to find out if you may be entitled to compensation.
We have the experience and expertise to deliver the best possible results for our clients.
We'll keep any inconvenience to an absolute minimum and will treat you with kindness and consideration.
We cover all types of employment law, from tribunals, unfair dismissal and discrimination in the workplace.
You'll be assigned a dedicated case handler who'll look after your claim and answer your questions.
For personal injuries we work ‘no win, no fee,' and meet all necessary outlays up-front.
To get you on the road to recovery, we'll help you access the right medical advice and care.