Landlord and tenant disputes can vary greatly in their nature. You may be a landlord who is owed rent, or has an unruly or difficult to manage tenant. You could be a tenant whose landlord refuses to carry out repairs, essential maintenance or other agreed services. Regardless of the nature and extent of the landlord and tenant dispute, Jackson Boyd is able to help you. We are experts in dispute resolution, and in particular we have an interest in landlord and tenant law. This means that we are well placed to help you with landlord and tenant disputes, whichever side you happen to be on.
It could be the case that you have tried everything to resolve the dispute amicably, but that it is simply getting nowhere, or alternatively that the other party has become impossible to deal with, or refuses to cooperate. All of these situations, and a variety of others, are surprisingly commonplace, meaning that Jackson Boyd is well placed to assist you with such disputes.
How can Jackson Boyd help you with a landlord and tenant dispute?
When dealing with a landlord and tenant dispute, Jackson Boyd is committed to finding the best and most effective dispute resolution possible for you. This means that we take an objective look at the facts and the situation as a whole, and will then be able to advise you as to the merits of both sides of the dispute, and what the best course of action is likely to be.
"Thank you again for all your help and assistance. First Class Service."
Here at Jackson Boyd, we not only take pride in our legal knowledge and expertise, but also in our client care, which we believe is first class. When you first contact us, an experienced landlord and tenant dispute specialist will talk through exactly what has happened to you in considerable detail. This will enable us to build a fuller picture of your situation, meaning that we can give you appropriate legal advice and tell you the likely outcome of your case should you choose to instruct us. Not only that, but we will also be able to offer any other support that may be appropriate in your given circumstances. We understand and appreciate that being involved in a landlord and tenant dispute is not a pleasant experience.
On the landlord side, your business and income may be at stake, and on the tenant side, your house and home could be under threat. Whatever the circumstances, you can be sure that Jackson Boyd will professionally and expertly represent your interests, and seek the best dispute resolution possible in your specific case.
There will be occasions where it becomes clear, early on, that entering into further negotiations with the other party is likely to be futile. In those situations we will raise court proceedings in order to expedite matters and to resolve the dispute to your satisfaction.
Contact Our Landlord and Tenant Dispute Lawyers
In order to discuss your dispute with us, you can contact Jackson Boyd today by calling 0333 222 1855 or contact us online. If you decide to instruct us in your case, we will do everything possible to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. Sometimes this can be more straightforward than you think, and other times this could take some careful planning and preparation. The team at Jackson Boyd looks forward to helping you with your landlord and tenant dispute.