Alan McCormack | Senior Associate

ACAS Report Estimates that Workplace Conflict Costs Employers £28.5 Billion per Year

The report, published today, estimates that dealing with workplace conflict costs UK employers an equivalent of just over £1,000 for every employee.

This is based on and includes the cost to employers in handling formal and informal workplace conflict, as well as legal processes and the cost of sickness management and resignations.

Broken down, the annual costs to organisations that were identified includes:-

  • £11.9 billion from resignations;
  • £2.2 billion from sickness absence; and
  • £10.5 billion from disciplinary dismissals.

The report revealed that around 60% of workers involved in some sort of workplace conflict will suffer with depression as a result.  It also warns that the Coronavirus pandemic has supressed workplace conflict due to increased home working, however cases will likely increase as employees begin to return to the workplace over the coming months.  It is recommended that employers focus on early interventions and investing in effective resolutions to repair employment relationships.

The findings in this report illustrate how important it is for employers to seek advice in relation to resolving workplace conflicts, and disciplinary issues. 

Therefore, please ensure that you take advice from our specialist team at Jackson Boyd whenever there is potential for a workplace conflict to arise, to ensure that you receive effective advice to prevent it escalating.

Alan McCormack

Alan McCormack

Employment Law Team

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