Van McKellar

Summary Justice

Most Scottish civil court actions tend to resolve short of proof (i.e. an evidential hearing).   That’s usually because the parties settle, but there can be other procedural reasons.  Sometimes a case can be knocked out … Read more

Alan Cameron

Buchan v PF, Perth

In a recent criminal Sheriff Appeal Court case, Sheriff Principal Stephen QC issued an opinion on  a case involving a driver who  had pled guilty to charges of driving while under the influence of alcohol, … Read more

Dave Berry

Hostile Diplomacy

The Court of Appeal decision in the case of Clive Bellman v Northampton Recruitment Ltd provides yet further indication as to the rapidly evolving law in relation to vicarious liability. Vicarious liability refers to the … Read more

David McKinney

Your Rights under GDPR

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides 8 key rights for individuals. These key rights are as follows: The right to be informed – This right entitles individuals to be informed about the collection … Read more

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