Dave Berry

Nerf guns: Not Suitable for Children?

A recent British Medical Journal (BMJ) report found that “bullets” from Nerf guns can cause serious eye injuries. Doctors reported cases of people suffering internal bleeding around the eye, pain and blurred vision after being … Read more

Van McKellar

Excuses, Excuses

Cases involving esoteric laws can reinforce points of more general application. Edinburgh Council recently applied to court seeking authority to bury MM’s long-deceased parents. MM opposed that and sought to defend the proceedings personally. The … Read more

Alan McCormack

Employee Monitoring and Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights has recently given its judgment in a long-running case concerning the decision of a company to dismiss an employee after monitoring his electronic communications and accessing their contents, and … Read more

Alan McCormack

Lego to cut 1,400 jobs

The famous toymaker, Lego, has announced alongside their half-year results that their revenue has fallen by 5%, with profits down 3% due to declining sales in their established markets within Europe and the US. They … Read more

Dave Berry

Jackson Buoys – Channel Swim

Ever hear the joke ‘what do you call a group of lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start. Well, we’re flipping that joke around. What do you call two legal claim handlers … Read more

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