Alan McCormack

Teacher wins £646k payout

A teacher, Philip Grosset, has succeeded in having his claim for disability discrimination upheld by the Court of Appeal. While this does not appear to be a particularly exciting story,when the story as a whole … Read more

John McKeown


Claims following a slip or trip in the street, or in the supermarket etc, are not straightforward. Just because you have had an accident which isn’t your fault does not automatically entitle you to compensation. … Read more

Dave Berry

Industrial Deafness: An Overview

Many individuals are exposed to loud noises on a continual basis throughout the course of their employment. The most common example is those who work in factories, surrounded by noisy machinery. There are others though, … Read more

Alan McCormack

Unfair Dismissal – Misconduct

The most common type of claim to be raised at the Employment Tribunal is that of unfair dismissal on the grounds of misconduct. This article outlines briefly the law surrounding misconduct dismissals. Firstly, and most … Read more

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