John McKeown

Evictions in Scotland

The Scottish Parliament has made major changes to landlord/tenant law in Scotland (i.e. private sector residential tenancies), and the current position is as follows: – As has been the case now for over five years, … Read more

Fraser Napier

Burst pipes are snow joke

‘Snow Sunday’ soon gave way to ‘Burst Pipe Monday’ as temperatures rocketed after one of the coldest December temperatures on record in 2022. The thaw lead to a surge in burst water pipes across the … Read more

John McKeown

Eviction Ban and Rent Freeze

The Scottish Government has unveiled the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Scotland Bill, which details how they intend to implement a rent freeze and eviction moratorium. The Bill will need the approval of the Scottish … Read more

John McKeown

Winter Freeze

The Scottish Government has this month announced their ‘Programme for Government’ as to their intended future legislation.  Included in that announcement are significant changes impacting the law of residential tenancies (i.e. private and social housing); … Read more

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