John McKeown | Solicitor

Comedy Night

We recently wrote about our very own Peaky Boyders tackling the 3-Peak Challenge for Cystic Fibrosis Trust (CF Trust), one of Jackson Boyd’s chosen charities for 2018. As part of our fundraising initiative we decided to do something a little different and hosted our first Comedy Night.

As much as we are sure we would have been overwhelmed with offers from our employees to take part, we decided to go down a safer route and reached out to some well-known Scottish comedians. Thankfully for us, Ray Bradshaw, Susie McCabe, Markus Birdman and Larry Dean all very kindly offered to help us out.

The funds raised from the night are all going to the CF Trust. We were delighted that Tracy, a community fundraiser from the CF Trust, was able to come along and speak about cystic fibrosis and what the funds raised will help achieve. You can find out more by clicking here.

We had a fantastic night and raised an incredible £1,015.78 from ticket sales and our raffle, meaning the Peaky Boyders have almost smashed their fundraising target.

We really couldn’t have done it without the comedians, Tracy, our CSR committee and the companies that donated to our raffle. We should also give a special mention to our David McKinney for not only sitting in the front row but wearing such an eye-catching shirt that: a) made him a target (we did warn him!) and b) gave us lots of laughs.

The challenge is getting closer (the weekend of the 21 September 2018) and it would be fantastic to raise as much money as possible for the CF Trust. To donate and find out more, visit the Peaky Boyders JustGiving page:

“Yelfie” 2018 Campaign

Lastly, Jackson Boyd will be taking part in the “Yelfie” 2018 campaign, raising money and awareness for the CF Trust as part of Cystic Fibrosis week (18 – 24 June). Be sure to check our social media pages for pictures of Jackson Boyd’s employees’ beloved dogs wearing yellow for a cause #CFYelfie.

John McKeown

John McKeown

Dispute Resolution Team

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