Adele sings about broken hearts, and it’s safe to say that a few hearts were broken when the Oscar-winning singer cancelled her two final Wembley tour performances at the weekend due to the strain.
However, if you have been unlucky enough to have missed out at the weekend and are unable to make her yet-to-be-rescheduled gig, you are entitled to a refund of at least face value of the ticket from the ticket seller. This is part of your consumer rights as laid out in the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
However, you would not be able to get a refund on any travel or accommodation you booked unless it were all part of an Adele package. In considering whether and how much to award by way of damages for a breach of contract, a court must be satisfied that the loss claimed was (a) within both parties “reasonable contemplation” when entering into the contract and (b) is not too “remote”.
Basically this means that a party needs to be clearly aware of the likely financial consequences arising from their breach. Therefore it is unlikely that travel would fall within the context of a concert cancellation unless it was purchased as a package or linked in some way. If you bought a package trip (concert tickets, hotel, travel etc.) in which the focus on your trip was to see Adele, then it could be argued that you should get a refund from the package seller.
Undoubtedly, having booked and paid for flights and accommodation over credit card is always the best protection for such these situations.
We hope all Adele fans get to see the artist do what she does best. In the meantime, here’s a photo of me seeing Adele last year in Glasgow.
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