Alan McCormack | Senior Associate

National Minimum Wage – dodgers named and shamed

It is a legal requirement for all employers to pay their staff the National Minimum Wage. The current hourly rates for this are:

25 and over – £7.50

21-24 – £7.05

18-20 – £5.60

Under 18 – £4.05

Apprentices – £3.50

Since 2013 the UK Government have been ‘naming and shaming’ employers who fail to pay the minimum wage, with the offenders ordered to pay their workers back pay to make up any shortfall and, in addition, substantial fines are imposed on the employers.

The Government estimates that around 40,000 workers have received back pay of over £6million since the scheme was introduced and over 1200 employers have been levied with fines of over £4million.

The most recent list of employers contained 19 Scottish employers who were ordered to pay workers over £35,000.

If you are an employee who has a query about the National Minimum Wage, or think that you may not be being paid this; or an employer who has any concerns in relation to paying the National Minimum Wage, please contact us online by clicking here or speak to a member of our specialist team on 0333 222 1855.

Alan McCormack

Alan McCormack

Employment Law Team

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