Asbestos exposure is usually associated with individuals who have worked in the ship yards or other heavy industries. Recent studies and investigations have shown however that the dangers of asbestos exposure are no longer related to these specific types of industries. The new wave of cases that are emerging shows that asbestos exposure remains an issue in all industries.
Research indicates that a large number of public buildings that were constructed before the year 2000 are likely to contain large amounts of asbestos. A recent study in England showed that asbestos was present in 75% of schools. Routine maintenance in these buildings can cause a release of asbestos fibres into the surrounding air. This means that anyone in the building or in the near surrounding area will be exposed to asbestos.
As a result there has been a new wave of cases involving asbestos exposure where the individuals have not been involved in heavy industry. They are teachers, council workers and office workers to name but a few. Individuals have also developed an asbestos related condition as a result of exposure when they were at school. This is certainly a shift away from the previous cases involving heavy industries.
Calls have been made to councillors and politicians to recognise this issue and put it to the forefront to ensure that any further exposure is reduced as far as possible and to ensure that areas of risk are highlighted. Whether these calls will be taken up remains to be seen.
Jackson Boyd are experienced in dealing with cases arising from asbestos exposure. If you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related illness and have been exposed to asbestos in the course of your employment then call one of our team today on 0333 222 1855 to discuss the options in relation to your potential case or Contact us online.